Arndale Academy’s bus transportation objective is to provide safe travel for students from home to school and the return journey.
Our school buses cover different routes and destinations.
New routes are always considered when there is a demand, taking into consideration factors such as cost, time and distance.
All drivers are holders of valid driver’s licenses and are experienced and appropriately trained when recruited and periodically thereafter. Bus drivers have instructions not to leave the campus until all students have been accounted for.
All bus drivers carry cellular telephones.
One monitor is provided on each bus. Their duty is to supervise the students on the bus and as they get on and off the bus. They are well experienced to deal with children and youth aged from 3-18 years old.
bus rules
Students on the bus must abide by the academy rules, respect the designated monitor and follow these AA bus rules:
- Get on and off the bus in an orderly manner
- No physical play or rough conduct is allowed
- Remain properly seated at all times and keep your head and other parts of the body inside the bus
- Avoid loud conversation
- Ask the bus monitor’s permission before opening a window
- Respect the rights of others inside and outside the bus
- Written parental permission is required if a bus registered student who comes to school in the morning is not using the usual bus on the homeward journey (because he/she is not returning by bus)
- A student who is not registered to use the bus service may not use a AA bus unless it is an AA-sanctioned activity, or unless otherwise requested by the parents.
- A student who misbehaves on the bus will be reported to the Head of Section. A student who repeatedly misbehaves on the bus will be banned from using it
bus registration
All students who have used the bus the previous academic term/year, and there is no change in address or telephone number, please send a confirmation letter that the student will be using the bus. If the address or telephone number has changed from last year, completion of the Bus Registration Form is required. The bus registration fee should be paid together with the first payment upon admission.
If your child did not previously use the bus service, please reserve as soon as possible by completing a Bus Registration Form and paying the bus registration fee.
Plot 647 Cadastral Zone C01, Karmo District, Abuja
- info@arndaleacademy.com
- 0818 633 0326
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